Characteristics, advantages and types of vessels in the maritime transport of goods
24th January 2018
Portfolio of air shipments
Portfolio of air shipments
27th March 2018
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Portfolio of maritime shipments

maritime shipments customer

RUSSIA – SUDAMÉRICA, operation “Cross Country”, KANVEL is responsible for all local transport operations at 1200 km from the port of St. Petersburg, documentation, customs clearance and shipping to Latino América, 23 containers of 40 DV were used and a reconnaissance visit was made prior to boarding at the Port of St. Petersburg.

casos de éxito Rusia Latino América

Load panels into container and  CTSP  containers terminal in San Petersburgo port.

puerto de San Petersburgo dirección América

PORTUGAL – ECUATORIAL GUINEA, operation “Cross Country”,  load was made in Azambuja whit  Malabo Port as destine.

portugal guinea ecuatorial transporte

AMÉRICA, Loading of barge structures, in OT containers destined to Sudamérica, surfaces and control of the entire logistics process in each stage.


DECANTERS, load in LLeida – Barcelona, containers of 40 ‘Flat Rack were used, extra measures, it is essential the lashing process and compliance with the specific regulations, for land and maritime transport and to avoid the rejection of the cargo at the time of stowing, we take care of everything the process until its delivery in América.

service lleida to américa

PARAYS, METAL STRUCTURES AND ACCESSORIES, load in Logroño, we use 40′ OT containers, loading, lashing, land and sea to transport.

servicio por tierra y mar de transporte de mercancías

PHILIPPINES / DECANTERS, loaded in containers of 40 ‘Flat Rack, extra measures, we take care of all the logistic process, loading, lashing, special documentation, until its delivery in Manila – Philippines.

transporte hacia filipinas

EQUATORIAL GUINEA,  190,000 meters medium voltage distribution cable, generators, line cells, control panels, pipes, diverse material. Load in Valencia, KANVEL coordinated the reception in our warehouse in Valencia, with 12 suppliers in different parts of Spain; the cargo, the lashing, the land and maritime transport to the port of Bata, in 15 40’HC containers.

Transporte hacia Guinea ecuatorial desde Valencia

mercancías con destino guinea


Cameroon, load in Sevilla, high-value computer systems, safety in local transport and special lashing inside the container to avoid impacts on the hard disks of the centralized system, by displacements, Air backs and security tapes were used.

Transporte de mercancia a Camerún




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